Tom S.

Brain Tumor Survivor: Tom S.

Last Updated: 4/2/24

Spacer It started with small things, mostly visual. In March, 1999, I traveled to Washington DC for a meeting, then on to Ft. Lauderdale to meet my family for spring break.

Spacer On the trip to DC I could not find my boarding pass shortly before boarding. When I left DC the same thing happened. I just thought I was getting very careless and gave it no more thought.

Spacer In Ft. Lauderdale more visual symptoms cropped up.

Spacer At a spring training game the scoreboard did not match the action on the field. When I cam back from taking my daughter to the bathroom I had a hard time finding my family. When we drove back to my brother's house I stopped and had him drive because something did not seem right. Other things cropped up. I type with two fingers while looking at the keyboard. Instead of the "a" key I kept hitting Caps lock and realized I was "shouting". When reading I realized I was missing words. My wife thought I had had a stroke.

Spacer When I returned home, I called my doctor at home on a Sunday (yes, he is that kind of doctor). He had a scan set for Wednesday, my wife and I saw the neurologist and neurosurgeon on Thursday and the surgery was Tuesday. I had radiation and chemo (BCNU) as well as stereotactic radiation. I was very fortunate to be at University of Missouri Hospital, a teaching hospital. Other doctors might not have been so responsive to my symptoms.

Spacer I had a recurrence in 2001 with successful resection during which they implanted Gliadel wafers.

Spacer In 2002, they thought I had another recurrence but it was only scar tissue and radiation necrosis. I went out of network to UCSF for that.

Spacer My only issues since then have been medications and a small seizure in addition to a minor impairment to my left side peripheral vision. I continue to work full time, now at the State of Missouri. I know how blessed I have been and I try to help others who are impacted by GBM and other brain tumors.

Spacer When I turned 50 I told people there was a time in my life I never wanted to turn 50 and now I couldn't be happier turning 50. I have learned a lot of things from my experiences and these are just a few of them:

Spacer You learn quickly who is not comfortable with their mortality.

Spacer Have someone with you to listen, ask questions and remember. A couple of times the neurosurgeon responded to my wife that no one had asked him that before.

Spacer Don't fear knowledge. As my wife said many times," There is nothing you can tell us that is worse than we can imagine".

Spacer My shorthand for it is that I visit the future but I don't stay there.

Spacer God does not do these things to us. He gave us the gift of life which brings uncertainty and good and bad things. When tough times hit, He can comfort us much as we can comfort each other.

Update: 11/14/2007

Nothing much has changed since my original submission. My health is still good and I continue to work full time and enjoy it.
I have gotten more involved with several web sites and email groups – NBTF Message Board, ABTA Sharing Hope Stories and CancerCare Online Support Groups. These activities help satisfy my need to help others living with cancer, especially brain cancer.

Update: 6/7/2008

I was featured on CNN!

Update: 7/22/2010

In March 2009, I had a grand mal seizure. Between that, the meds and some other issues I could no longer work full-time and retired in June of last year. I also applied for and qualified for disability. Fatigue and mental sluggishness have been issues. It is manageable and the good news is my health is otherwise good so long as I am careful about what I do. I have done physical therapy to help address some of those issues, like dizziness, balance and gait. I also did a neuro-pysch test which showed reasonable stability compared to the test done seven years ago. I did find it interesting that the test really could not cover some of my more significant issues like the speed and comprehension of my reading - both down noticeably. I also struggle somewhat with verbal instruction and memory, especially if it is complex.

Of course, the best news is I remain tumor free eleven years after the initial diagnosis and treatment.

I am still engaged trying to help others and that has been extremely gratifying. While there are many new treatments and new knowledge there remain fundamental truths about this disease that can be better explained by someone who has gone through this as a patient.

Update: 2/8/2011

I continue to enjoy my retirement and have had no serious health issues related to my tumor or treatments. I get satisfaction from assisting persons with brain tumors and their families.

Update: 2/21/2012

I continue tumor-free and with no significant health issues. I did start on a CPAP machine last August, not for sleep apnea but for shallow breathing. There was a suggestion it was a brain issue, i.e., some lack of signaling, but I have not had a definitive answer.

Spacer I remain actively engaged in the brain tumor community, primarily working with brain tumor patients and their families Besides VirtualTrials, I am in a Facebook group that has grown to over 300 people in just a few months and just found the site which is somewhat similar to the VirtualTrials on-line support group. It does have a brain tumor group and uses threaded conversations. Also, you can search the site on a topic and find related conversations.

Spacer I am also very active in our Boys and Girls Club.

Update: 7/20/2012

Tom S.

Spacer My medical status is unchanged - tumor-free since 2001. I receive an annual scan and follow-up with my neurosurgeon. My health is good. I started walking in January with an initial goal of an average of 10,000 steps per day during the week. I was up near 20,000/day and since dropped to 15,000/day. Between January and July I lost 22 pounds. I also was more careful watching what I eat and in moderation.

Spacer By the way, I'm often asked whether I had any special diets or alternative treatments during my regular treatments and the answer is no. I have no idea whether anything else helps or not but I would take the advice for physicians - first do no harm.

Update: 1/28/2013

Spacer Nothing has changed since the last update. I did start being involved with Cancer Hope Network. As always, I am gratified I have the chance to reach out to brain tumor survivors and family. I just wish those chances were fewer and farther between.

Update: 7/10/2013

Spacer Things remain pretty much status quo medically. I had an annual scan and visit with my neurosurgeon in April - no sign of tumor and no other changes. I receive two or three referrals a month from Virtual Trials, Cancer Hope Network and Immerman Angels. Very little of the conversation is about the treatments themselves. Most of it is about what people hear from their medical team, what meds they are on, how they or their loved one are doing and other issues they are dealing with. It is clear to me the need for this is immense. I am surprised at how often patients are not given support and encouragement from their medical team and even family and friends. I believe some of this is because brain cancer is is about who you are and where your tumor is and what treatments you have had that can change that, sometimes dramatically, at least to the observer. And the patient is experiencing the new normal, which can be so far removed from the old normal. It is good to have survivors as a resource but more should come from the medical community. My prayers for all brain tumor patients and those who love and care for them.

Update: 1/25/2014

Spacer On the GBM front, I continue tumor free with no changes in mental or physical health, just a very mild case of the flu during the holidays despite a flu shot. Who knows how bad it would have been otherwise.

Spacer As a 15-year survivor, I do think back over this long journey and what my feelings were at different stages. I have thought about, and continue to think about, my brain and what the long term impact is of surgery and treatments. The encouraging thing is that there has been a lot of work and research to help those facing these issues. As with everything else about these disease, there is always hope.

Spacer We have a friend who worked with my wife and retired several months ago looking forward to everything she planned in retirement with her husband. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with GBM a week later so I have watched him deal with this and her provide for his care. Unfortunately, his path has been much harder than mine but I do have hope he comes through OK but the chemo has been hard.

Spacer One unfortunate thing I hear too often is the message conveyed to patients when mention is made of survival statistics. Are they good? No. But they are much better than when I was diagnosed 15 years ago. Long-term survival was like the unicorn - a mythical creature. Just looking at survivor stories tells a tale. When people mention the stats, I remind them that the stats are from five years ago because that is the nature of these. And they are the median, so half live longer and half less. I choose to be in the better half. And being aggressive in seeking treatments and solutions can only help. And take care of your physical and mental health - give your body the strength to fight this disease with all it possesses. Stay informed and no site is better than this one for that.

Spacer Finally, manage your docs and your care. If you are not sure you are getting the best, don't settle. Go find it wherever and with whomever it might be.

Update: 10/25/2014

Spacer I continue tumor free and in generally good health. I also regularly communicate with persons with GBM or their caregivers, offering them information and hope. I always refer them to the Virtual Trials site as the best, most comprehensive resource. I also have been blessed to become a grandparent for the first time and there truly is nothing like it in the world.

Update: 2/2/2015

Spacer Things continue to go well medically with very few changes since the last update. Family remains central to my life, especially Peyton, our ten month old grandson. He is special and something I never could have imagined 15 years ago when I was diagnosed. Volunteering is something I find great satisfaction in, especially our Boys and Girls Club, where I get to see us make life better for so many kids in Jefferson City. After all the love and support I have had over the years it feels good to give back and make a difference for future generations. I am truly blessed.

Update: 10/11/2015

Spacer My health remains essentially unchanged from the last update. I remain in awe of all those who deal with brain tumors. One can only be encouraged by all that has transpired over the last few years. I feel there is more cause for help than there has ever been.

Spacer The biggest change in my life has been my grandson, now 20 months old. Just about the best thing about being a long term (16+ years) survivor. Family is what it is all about for me.

Update: 6/19/16

Spacer On April 1, I reached 17 years as a brain tumor survivor. I have been blessed to be tumor free since my second surgery in 2001.I did have Gliadel implanted then and that may be a big part of the reason for my long survival. One thing I have learned is that often what works for one person does not work for another. But it is important to talk to your doctors about whether something is an option for you.

Spacer The biggest change I have noted over the years is that we know so much more about brain tumors and how they work. The related points are that treatment may need to be more tailored to the individual and that a combination of treatments may work best.

Spacer On my annual visit with my neurosurgeon we discussed why he recently decided to retest my tumor. He told me did just to confirm it was GBM since it was so unusual to have such a long term survivor. Interestingly, many years ago the relative of a friend of mine who works at UCSD insisted to her that my tumor could not be GBM because I had lived so long.

Spacer I also recently saw my neuro-ophthalmologist. I see him annually because there is a possibility of damage to my optic nerve due to the treatments I had, primarily radiation. There were no changes from last year.

Spacer He also checked my peripheral vision which was mildly impaired by the second surgery. It has created some minor issues on my left side and looking down meaning I take extra care when walking. No changes there, either. If you have ever had a visual field test you know it is a bit like a video game but with real world implications.

Spacer He also showed me the scan from the MRI which we viewed electronically. It is amazing to see it on the screen in such clarity. I could clearly see the hole or vacant area where the tumor was. It is always weird to see my scan and realize it is a picture of MY brain. Even after 17 years this is all a bit surreal. I often tell people you could almost get me to believe this never happened until I felt the scars on the upper right back of my head.

Spacer One issue that comes up every year during the scan is when they do the contrast. Because of the intravenous chemo I did after the first surgery my veins like to play hide and seek and it often takes two or more times to find and keep a vein. I really do not mind all the sticks but I feel bad for the techs. My record for one try is four. This is even when I try to stay hydrated and use a trick a nurse friend taught me to let one arm dangle much lower than the other.

Spacer Over the years I have donated to a variety of groups for brain tumor causes.

Spacer In April I was involved in my first fundraiser.

Spacer Head for the Cure held a 5k in Columbia, Missouri. A person I knew from my years in Missouri state government used to work for the CEO of HFTC and was helping coordinate the event. So it turned out to be a small world when he asked my neurosurgeon at Ellis Fischel Cancer Center to suggest a volunteer and he asked me if I wanted to get involved.

Spacer At the event it was so gratifying to see so many people engaged in doing their part to help and to hear so many encouraging stories.

Spacer I was asked to say a few words. My message to them was simple. There is hope. There is always hope.

Update: 3/22/17

SpacerOn April 1, it will be 18 years since my diagnosis of GBM. The good news is I remain tumor free. For me now the whole experience feels a bit surreal, like it happened to someone else. You might almost convince me I dreamed (or nightmared, if that is a word) it all. Of course I only have to touch the upper, right back of my head to know the scar and the small indentation means it really happened.

Spacer There really is nothing much to update on the medical front. I have a few side effects from some of the treatments. I have some peripheral vision issues from the second surgery and some neuropathy in my right foot from long ago intravenous chemo with BCNU. All of this combined with aging has created some issues going up or down stairs with no handrails and walking on uneven surfaces. But nothing that prevents me from doing most of what I like or living a normal life.

Spacer I hit Medicare age this month but I have been on it once I qualified for it after going on disability.

Spacer I continue to enjoy my family, especially my three year old grandson.

Update: 6/28/18

Spacer April 1 marked 19 years since my diagnosis and treatment for GBM. I have become involved with Head for the Cure based in Kansas City Missouri. They sponsor 5k races to bring attention to brain tumors and raise money, a portion of which stays local (30% of the proceeds went to Ellis Fischel Cancer). In May I attended the race in Columbia MO. I did promotion for the event , including this video -

Spacer My initial treatment was at the old Ellis Fischel which was replaced several years ago by a state of the art facility attached to University Hospital. This month I had my annual scan, which was clear though there is some fluid in the tumor cavity, but this was unchanged from last year.

Spacer I also saw my neurosurgeon who confirmed things are as normal as you can expect for a 19-year survivor. There are not enough of us to have any expectation.

Spacer I also turned 66 this year which complicates determining what might be age related and what is tumor related.

Spacer I continue to deal with four issues – some loss of peripheral vision, neuropathy in my right foot, balance issues and hypopnea which is treated with a CPAP.

Spacer Most important to me are the conversations I have with brain tumor survivors and their caregivers. I probably talk to two or three on average in a given month.

Spacer I always point them to the Virtual Trials site as the best resource for all things brain tumor. I do not give medical advice, but I answer questions as best I can. What I hear quite often is the hope they feel that someone has survived this long. I make sure they know there are many long-term survivors and there is hope given new treatments and research.

Spacer People often want to know what I did and I tell them my experience is unique except for having Gliadel on my recurrence in 2001. I also make sure they know about Optune.

Spacer I remain very involved in our Boys and Girls Club where I am Treasurer. It is gratifying to see the difference we make in the lives of local youth.

Spacer I continue to enjoy life with my wife, Jatha, and our three adult children, the oldest of whom got married in May. And, of course, there are my two grandchildren, ages four and nine months.

Spacer For me, family makes survival special and life sweet.

Update: 11/20/18

Attending Head for the Cure 5k in KC. I did two TV interviews. I also did about an hour of video for them. They will edit and put on their website. Brought back a lot of memories, most of them good, which may surprise most folks.

Update: 9/19/2019

Ellis Fischel Cancer Center is where I was initially treated for my GBM in 1999 - and they just posted a video of me on thier home page!

Update: 2/22/2020

Spacer Last April 1 was the twentieth anniversary of my diagnosis and I celebrated with my family and many of my friends.

Spacer As I write this, I realize I never thought I would still be so blessed to still be providing updates thirteen or more years after my first post for Al's Survivor Stories.

Spacer Life continues great with so much to be thankful for, especially our newest grandson, born last September.

Spacer I still have the usual issues arising from the brain tumor and its treatments as well as what being 67 brings you.

Spacer On the brain tumor front, I have the mixed blessing of being a resource for those newly diagnosed with GBM or their family. I say mixed because I believe I help make a positive difference for those I talk to, if no other reason it helps to know someone they can just talk to, who has been through much of what they are going through, especially emotional part, someone who just listens without giving advice.

Spacer The mixed part is that I wish the need was not there, but as we al know, new cases arise every day.

Spacer I see the work that Al and his team is doing to help advance research and patient support and that is so gratifying.

Spacer As a new board member for Head for the Cure, I see another organization raising money for research and helping support the medical providers who do so much for patients.

Spacer I am also learning more about an organization HFTC supports, the Brain Tumor Trials Collaborative, whose mission is to develop and perform state-of-the-art clinical trials in a collaborative and collegial environment, advancing treatments for patients with brain tumors, merging good scientific method with concern for patient well-being and outcome.

Spacer I am much blessed and as I have said before, family makes survival special and life sweet.

Update: 6/14/21

Spacer April 1 was the twenty-second anniversary of my GBM diagnosis. I remain tumor free.

Spacer Life continues to be great with so much to be thankful for, especially our newest grandchild, a girl born June 10. Her brother and two boy cousins will now get to know her. Can't wait to see what she's like.

Spacer The issues arising from my brain tumor and its treatments continue but that comes with being a long-term survivor. At least they're manageable. The latest issue is Parkinson-like symptoms including low dopamine. I went through OT and PT and am on two new meds for this.

Spacer I continue to meet new survivors and caregivers, some as referrals from this site. I do a lot of listening and sharing information. Most people just want to talk to someone who can relate. And who will just listen.

Spacer As a Head for the Cure board member, I have become greatly involved with their Brains for the Cure website which offers a lot of resources for survivors and caregivers. They also hold monthly Zoom calls for both groups. I am usually on the survivor calls. You might want to try it.

Spacer HFTC engages local communities with 5k races and supports local brain tumor centers. HFTC also financially supports brain tumor research.

Spacer I continue to be much blessed and as I have said before, family makes survival special and life sweet.

Spacer We all know the challenges of brain tumors, but my message is twofold. First, there is hope. Second, live the life you want as best you can. My AAA mantra reflects this philosophy. Accept, adapt, and adjust.

Update: 1/21/22

Spacer January 2022

Spacer April 1 will be the twenty-third anniversary of my GBM diagnosis. I remain tumor free.

Spacer Family is of course so important to me, as they were through my treatments and their continues as I deal with long-term effects of those treatments, like Parkinsonism

Spacer I have adapted to using a walker for most places we go. I have also started seeing a personal trainer to help we build strength and flexibility and address my walking issues.

Spacer I was diagnosed with prostate cancer but once you've faced GBM, you're ready for this. In some ways it's more complicated with a number of different scores beyond PSA.

Spacer My first urologist recommended surgery But as I learned from brain tumors, I sought a second opinion at a cancer center, the same one where I had my initial surgery. The resident did a great job explaining all my data, potential treatments, and possible outcomes. I opted for active surveillance, which means regular PSA tests and periodic biopsies, which, in some ways, is akin to the path many brain tumor patients are on.

Spacer As with brain tumor patients I look to what may come in new treatments.

Spacer I continue to meet new survivors and caregivers, some as referrals from this site. I do a lot of listening and sharing information. Most people just want to talk to someone who can relate. And who will just listen.

Spacer I'll repeat from last update that if you are a survivor or a caregiver Brains for the Cure ( ) holds regular Zoom calls for both groups.

Spacer My closing from my last update bears repeating.

Spacer We all know the challenges of brain tumors, but my message is twofold. First, there is hope.

Spacer Second, live the life you want as best you can. My AAA mantra reflects this philosophy. Accept, adapt, and adjust.

Spacer I want to mention a book I am rereading that I read during my initial recovery – Love, Medicine and Miracles by Bernie Siegel. It gave me hope and comfort back then and it might do the same for you today. It helped me understand the power of our brain, especially the power of suggestion and why if you are given a number of months or years for your survival, aggressively ignore them. They are your worst enemy.

Spacer In that vein, I'll close with the Vulcan greeting. Live long and prosper!


Update 5/24/23

Spacer May 2023 April 1 was the twenty-fourth anniversary of my GBM diagnosis. I remain tumor free.

Spacer I continue to meet new survivors and caregivers, some as referrals from this site. I do a lot of listening and sharing information. Most people just want to talk to someone who can relate. And who will just listen.

Spacer I'll repeat from my last update that if you are a survivor or a caregiver, Brains for the Cure ( holds regular Zoom calls for both groups.

Spacer We all know the challenges of brain tumors, but my message is threefold. First and most importantly, there is hope.

Spacer See my video from Head for the Cure -

Spacer Second, educate yourself, but validate what you learn so you know what you're reading and hearing is valid and useful.

Spacer Third, live the life you want as best you can. My AAA mantra reflects this philosophy. Accept, adapt, and adjust.

Update 4/2/24

SpacerGBM Silver Anniversary April 1 is April Fool's Day to most. For me it is my GBM Silver Anniversary. I was diagnosed that day with Glioblastoma Multiforme, a malignant brain tumor. I found out silver represents durability, which is fitting for surviving 25 years.

Spacer First, thanks to the medical people who provided my care.

Spacer Thank you first to Richard Burns, who I was able to call him at home on a Sunday to describe my symptoms which started on a spring break trip. He had me scheduled for an MRI on Tuesday and so my journey began.

Spacer Getting diagnosed quickly is a key factor in survival given how aggressive GBM is. Don't let doctors or anyone else dismiss symptoms or put you off.

Spacer Thank you, Ted Colapinto, John Oro, and Mitch Berger who did my surgeries and Norm Litofsky and Steve Carr who have followed me since.

Spacer A special thanks to Deb Ritchie who was there for me, especially when I had a bout of vertigo. A very special thank you to my wife Jatha who has been there with me through all of this. She is the love of my life and the definition of caregiver. I have three kids who truly are good, caring people and I could not be prouder of them. Keeping them informed and being honest with them was so important to us. Kids know when things are off. If you're not open with them they fill in the blanks and may think they did something wrong.

Spacer I have four grandkids who are a delight and special, each in their own way. I am so grateful I am here to enjoy them.

Spacer GBM transformed me in a good way. I learned how to have meaningful conversations and to get to know people I encounter and treasure our chats.

Spacer God gave me a gift of surviving GBM, and I share that gift as best I can with other survivors and caregivers. By talking to them and listening to their stories and helping as best I can.

Spacer Being there for them is one of the most meaningful things I get to do along with supporting our Boys and Girls Club and joining the board of Head for the Cure. HFTC provides a great resource for survivors and caregivers through Brains for the Cure

Spacer Another great resource is Virtual Trials

Spacer I'll end with this.

Spacer My personal mantra is AAA – Accept, Adapt, and Adjust.

Spacer When you hear survival statistics ignore them. They're only math and put an artificial limit on your survival.

Spacer Don't let cancer steal a moment of your time. There is always cause for hope and joy. Just let yourself be open to them.


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