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Site Name DescriptionVisitedDate Added
Dana Farber Cancer Institute Major brain tumor center 160,26304/02/03
South Nassau Communities Hospital Gamma Knife Center Gamma Knife Center 128,18111/11/03
Can Do MS Can Do MS delivers health and wellness education programs to help families living with MS thrive. 45008/04/20
Gilenya Oral drug for Multiple Sclerosis Gilenya is an Oral Disease Modifying Drug Made by Novartis also know by the name Fingolimod. 45108/03/20
Kenzig.MS Links to Multiple Sclerosis events and More Links to Multiple Sclerosis Events Pages, as well as links to payment assistance for Multiple Sclerosis 49408/02/20
Meningioma Mommas An online support group for women with meningioma brain tumors. 28,35002/27/03
The Social Security and Disability Resource Center The Social Security and Disability Resource Center ( is an informational website that provides answers to questions about how to apply for disability, how to appeal a claim in the event of a denial, how to navigate the federal system, and how to avoid certain mistakes that are commonly made by applicants. The site’s author is a former disability examiner for the social security administration. 43,29911/09/11
Brain Stem Glioma-Everything You didn`t want to know but should. By Jim Kenzig 47,96204/09/00
Brain Surgery Information Center Dr. John Mangiardi`s excellent brain surgery information page 46,82303/27/00
Brain Tumor Survivor Brain Tumour Survivor is a positive site of hope for those living with a brain tumour. A site dedicated to discussing survivorship, treatment options available now and those options on the horizon that show promise. 22,07711/17/05
Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation 301-515-2900 Resources 43,48403/29/00
Cleveland Clinic Brain Surgery Department Page at Cleveland Clinic on Brain Surgery 63808/04/20
The Signs of Death and How to ease a dying patient from Hospice- This excellent resource is a must read for those caring for terminally ill patients 52,84203/27/00
UCLA Neuro-Oncology Program: A leading comprehensive brain tumor program, using molecular diagnostic & gene expression analysis to customize treatment plans. Offers patient support groups, cutting edge clinical trials and Infinity Online software to help predict clinical outcomes based on 10 years of retrospective treatment plans. 142,40404/12/00
All Experts Experts from many fields volunteer thier time to answer questons - free of charge - on broad range of topics, like brain tumors, computers, law, love. If you have a computer problem, this is the fastest place to get an answer! 24,71904/02/00
3rd Annual Lauren`s First and Goal Football Camp - Sunday, June 4, 2006, Lafayette College, Easton, PA A one day, non-contact, instructional clinic to raise funds for pediatric brain tumor research. Last year over 800 players and 100 volunteer college coaches helped to raise over 74,000 for LFG. A pediatric cancer survivors Fun Day is also held during the football clinic- crafts, activities, lunch and entertainment for patients, family and friends. 50,47803/19/06
50 Helps for the Patient who can`t speak A communication aid for patients and caregivers by Teri Kenzig 48,14903/29/00
A Primer of Brain Tumors from the American Brain Tumor Association A Patient`s Reference Manual Note Adobe PDF Reader is needed. 38,60203/27/00
A Starting Point: Children`s Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors This Web site links to many other Web sites with information about treatment on pediatric neuro-oncology. 21,40103/29/00
About Acoustic Neuromas from the Brain Surgery Information Site 22,13303/28/00
AboutKidsHealth Brain Tumour Resource Centre is a comprehensive, interactive, accessible resource for families of children with a brain tumour. 26,74312/19/05
Accuray - CyberKnife® "Accuray manufactures and sells the CyberKnife, a non-invasive frameless radiosurgical device that enables radiosurgery anywhere in the body using image-guided robotics. 77,54107/16/03
Acoustic Neuroma Association of New Jersey Non Profit support for patients with acoustic neuroma 18,25209/05/04
Adult Ependymoma of The Brain - A Patient`s Story data-packed (verified true) written in plain english by a patient 28,34909/04/04
Advent Health Neuro Institute amma Knife is non-invasive surgery for brain tumors, inoperable brain lesions, malignant tumors, tuberous sclerosis, metastatic brain cancer, trigeminal neuralgia and rarer cancerous brain tumors. 11,72810/21/08 - Sandor Czirjak Md, P.hD., D.Sc. Neurosureron homepage Hungarian and english language website: brain tumors, pituitary, epilepsy, surgery 22,69804/30/07
Akron Children`s Hospital Brain Tumor Surgery Center Akron Children`s Hospital uses the most advanced, image-guided neurosurgery technology available for removal of brain tumors in children and teens. 36,36802/26/08
American Academy of Neurology Site of Neurology the Official Journal of the American Academy of Neurology abstracts and more 17,27904/03/00
American Brain Tumor Association ABTA is a non-profit,independent organization dedicated to providing research funding, education matierials and resource information and advocacy. 20,45907/18/00
American Cancer Society Cancer Resources 17,30303/27/00
American Childhood Cancer Organization ACCO is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating, supporting, serving, and advocating for families of children of cancer, survivors of childhood cancer, and the health care professionals who care for them 11,73103/29/00
Anaplastic ependymoma --Neuropathology Case Study Teaching file with scans 21,76303/28/00
Anatomy Charts & Anatomy Models Anatomy Warehouse supplies anatomical models, anatomy charts, medical books, fitness books and educational products for classrooms and healthcare professionals. 16,67805/22/07
Astrocytoma Types and Therapy from NYU Treatment of Astrocytoma 26,97103/28/00
Austin`s Miracle Fund Charity organization assisting children with brain cancer. 38,71101/12/01
Bereavement Support Listserv for survivors of brain tumor patients 27,04203/28/00
Beyin Tümörü Tedavisi Türkiye A Brain tumor patient support group established in Turkey 10,78706/29/10
Books on Pediatric Cancer from Amazon A listing of books on Pediatric Cancer at 20,41003/29/00
Boston Medical Center CyberKnife Boston Medical Center`s CyberKnife program offers state of the art, image-guided robotic radiosurgery with frameless technology 27,50703/10/09
Brain Science Foundation The Foundation is dedicated to supporting research, advances in clinical treatments, and improved patient care for those with meningiomas and other primary brain tumors. The BSF site has downloadable brochures about meningioma designed for patients and families as well as white papers describing medical issues related to meningioma. 20,08310/07/03
Brain Tumor Center of the Neurological Institute at Columbia University dedicated to the treatment and clinical research of primary and metastic cancers of the brain, spinal cord, and nerve roots. 18,98204/02/00
Brain Tumor Dictionary Definitions From 18,94303/27/00
Brain Tumor Medical Database The resource is a collection of references to the technical medical literature on all aspects of brain tumors and includes references on promising alternative therapies and current experimental treatments. 147,75406/14/03
Brain Tumor Treatment and Diagnosis Options at Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic offers diagnosis and treatment options for glimoas, metastic brain tumors, pituitary tumors and meningiomas. 59,57703/20/06
Brain Tumors in Children from the Brain Surgery Information Center Recommended reading 16,77103/29/00
Brain Tumour Australia Inc. An Australian National not-for-profit organisation providing resources, education & support 21,39202/09/06
Brain Tumour Supoort Brain tumour support organisation in Western Australia offering assistance to people with brain tumour, their family, and carers. 5,77206/30/11
Brainstem Gliomas from Neurology to Neuro Oncology A very well written page outlining brainstem gliomas, their symptoms and their treatment 18,68109/03/01
Brainstem Tumor Mailing List- For Patients, Caregivers, Doctors and Researchers. Moderated by Jim Kenzig 26,78603/28/00
Bran Research Trust Information on Research to Brain Tumours 179,90512/20/05
British Columbia Cancer Agency . - Lots of good info; special segment on Alternative treatments 26,89803/28/00
BT Buddies A website for high grade brain tumour patients, their families, friends and caregivers living in the UK. 24,47701/28/09
BT Canada This group supports brain tumor patients and caregivers and live in Canada 36,68702/24/07
Camp Sunshine A National retreat for children with life threatening illnesses & their families 9,42009/22/04
Cancer Care, Inc. a non-profit social service agency providing support to cancer patients and their families for over 50 years. Professional oncology social workers provide individual and group counseling in person, over the phone and through their web site (at no charge!) 12,07804/02/00
Cancer Treatment Options and Management A personalized cancer research company that informs and educates cancer patients on recent peer review cancer research for their specific case. 13,92505/19/11
Carrie`s page Glioblastoma Multiforme: The Gifts of an Illness 14,60804/02/00
Celldex Therapeutics Developer of a vaccine therapy for brain tumors 12,44704/20/07
Center For Glioma Outcomes Research The GO Project is a voluntary, physician-directed project to improve outcomes for patients with glioma. 25,78204/02/00
CenterWatch Clinical Trials Listing Site Lists clinical trials for all types of cancers 16,01804/02/00 Scott Hamilton Cancer Survivors site provided by the Cleveland Clinic that has a wealth of information for patients on Chemotherapy 21,96207/26/03
Childhood Brain Tumor (PDQ®) Treatment - Health Professionals Cancernet Information for Health Professionals on Childhood Brain Tumors 21,94403/28/00
Childhood Brain Tumor (PDQ®) Treatment - Patients Cancernet Information for patients on Childhood Brain Tumors 28,95803/28/00
Childhood Brain Tumor Memoir This website is dedicated to Sean Crooks who died in 2000 from a brain stem glioma. It promotes the award winning book Can I Take My Panda Daddy? and provides links to the organisations and websites the author and his family found invaluable. 19,71508/28/06
Children`s Hospice International Children`s Hospice International provides a network of support for dying children and their families 21,47603/29/00
Choices in Brain Tumor Treatment Jim Kenzig`s views on Brain Tumor Treatment and stance on alternative medicine 16,17903/28/00
Clinical Trials And Noteworthy Treatments For Brain Tumors Brain tumor information 64,03603/26/00
ClinicalConnection, Inc. Clinincal Trials 15,54608/25/08 The U.S. National Institutes of Health, through its National Library of Medicine, has developed to provide patients, family members and members of the public current information about clinical research studies. 19,62604/03/00
Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research (CAMR) Medical Research Advocates 25,42303/05/04
Corporate Angels Network Free Airfare This organization provides free air travel via corporate jet for ANY cancer patient who requires treatment at any nationally recognized treatment facility, without regard to their financial resources 25,75503/27/00
Craniopharyngioma online support group For craniopharyngioma patients and caregivers 13,77301/12/02
Cyber Museum Of Neurosurgery History of neurosurgery and brain tumor surgery! 194,23501/29/04
CyberKnife - Astrocytoma - San Diego Cyberknife Center San Diego CyberKnife is an outpatient Center dedicated to providing image-guided radiosurgery using the CyberKnife® System. 11,25501/15/07
Cyberknife Center of Philadelphia Robotic Stereotactic Radiosurgery Using the Cyberknife 12,85806/25/06

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