Updated 5/24/24

Temozolomide is the generic name for Temodar, part of the standard of care of treatment for malignant brain tumors. It is usually used as an oral capsule, but there is an IV form for people who can not take oral medications. There is a biomarker called MGMT that can determine if it is more or less likely for Temozolomide to help. Read the article linked below for details on how MGMT works.
If your pharmacy can't get it, one place to get Temodar in the USA is from Biologics, Inc.
They will deliver anywhere in the USA. Call 1-800-850-4306 .

If you need help paying for Temodar, we have a copayment assistance program that might be able to help. Go to Braintumorcopays.org for details and to see if it is open.

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