Al's Comment:

 This is from our friends at Roon.  They are building an educational  community for brain tumor patients. Looks pretty good. Worth taking a look!


Posted on: 05/20/2023

Roon: The first patient and caregiver education GBM app

In honor of Brain Tumor Awareness Month, a group of neurosurgeons, neuro-oncologists, social workers, patients, and caregiver advocates have built a incredible resource for GBM patients and caregivers: Roon (website) or download the iphone app here.

On the app, you’ll find 700+ 1-3 minute educational videos delivered by the experts as well as answers to many questions that come up on the journey of glioblastoma. Roon is currently available for people in the US and Canada – the service will open up to other parts of the world and will also be available on Android shortly.


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