The following is a list of brain tumor centers in Connecticut . All brain tumor patients should at least get a second opinion from a brain tumor center.
NEW: To be included on this list, the center must have at least one clinical trial listed on

Note: there are duplicate entries for the same hospital when the people entering the trial on spells the name of the facility differently.
So check for variations in the name, such as "New York University" and "NYU". Clicking these will lead to different trials. Check all variations in name!

Brain Tumor Centers in Connecticut

Bridgeport Saint Vincent's Medical Center
Danbury Associated Neurologists, PC
Danbury Danbury Hospital
Danbury Western Connecticut Health Network
Derby Smilow Cancer Hospital-Derby Care Center
Fairfield Associated Neurologists of Sou /ID# 147701
Fairfield Associated Neurologists of Southern Connecticut
Fairfield Associated Neurologists of Southern Connecticut, P.C.
Fairfield Associated Neurologists of Southern CT
Fairfield Associated Neurologists of Southern CT, P.C.
Fairfield Associated Neurologists of Southern CT, PC
Fairfield Smilow Cancer Hospital Care Center-Fairfield
Greenwich Greenwich Hospital
Greenwich Smilow Cancer Hospital Care Center at Greenwich
Guilford Smilow Cancer Hospital Care Center - Guiford
Guilford Yale-New Haven Shoreline Medical Center
Hamden Geriatric and Adult Psychiatry LLC
Hamden Smilow Cancer Hospital-Hamden Care Center
Hartford Arrivent Investigative Site
Hartford Connecticut Children's Hospital
Hartford Connecticut Children's Medical Center
Hartford Hartford Hospital
Hartford Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center
Hartford Smilow Cancer Hospital Care Center at Saint Francis
Meriden Midstate Medical Center
Middletown Middlesex Hospital
New Britain The Hospital of Central Connecticut
New Haven Invicro
New Haven Local Institution
New Haven Research Site
New Haven Smilow Cancer Center/Yale-New Haven Hospital
New Haven Smilow Cancer Hospital
New Haven Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale New Haven
New Haven Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven
New Haven Smilow Cancer Hospital, Yale Cancer Center, Yale University
New Haven Yale Cancer Center
New Haven Yale New Haven
New Haven Yale New Haven Hospital
New Haven Yale School of Medicine
New Haven Yale Stress Center - Addiction Program
New Haven Yale University
New Haven Yale University /ID# 144170
New Haven Yale University School of Medicine
New Haven Yale University/Yale Cancer Center
New London Hartford Healthcare Medical Group - Hartford Hospital The Gray Cancer Center
North Haven Yale-New Haven Hospital North Haven Medical Center
Norwalk Norwalk Hospital
Norwich Eastern Connecticut Hematology and Oncology Associates
Norwich Eastern Connecticut Hematology/Oncology Assoc.
Norwich GSK Investigational Site
Norwich William Backus Hospital
Orange Smilow Cancer Hospital-Orange Care Center
Stamford Stamford Hospital
Stamford Stamford Hospital/Bennett Cancer Center
Storrs University of Connecticut
Torrington Smilow Cancer Hospital-Torrington Care Center
Trumbull Smilow Cancer Hospital Care Center-Trumbull
Wallingford Gaylord Hospital
Waterbury Chase Medical Research LLC
Waterbury Smilow Cancer Hospital-Waterbury Care Center
Waterford Lawrence and Memorial Cancer Center
Waterford Smilow Cancer Hospital Care Center - Waterford
West Haven VA Connecticut Healthcare System
West Haven VA Connecticut Healthcare System - West Haven Campus
West Haven VA Connecticut Research and Education Foundation
West Haven Veterans Affairs Connecticut Healthcare System-West Haven Campus

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