
Dr Zeltzer

Paul Zeltzer, MD

Paul is Co-Director of "Whole Child LA" and joins their clinical team with expertise in diagnosis and management of pain in children with cancer and blood diseases. He is Board-Certified in Pediatric Hematology and Oncology. In his career he developed and directed clinical investigations for leukemia and brain tumors with the National Cancer Institute and private industry sponsored clinical trials, as well as editing two major text books in Oncology and Neurooncology. His CV consists of over 130 publications studying molecular biology, treatment results, and long term outcomes of cancer treatment. He is an advisor and supports more than five pediatric and adult cancer websites. He is a Clinical Professor in Neurosurgery, Geffen School of Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles.

He has authored four books for the lay public: "Brain Tumors: Leaving the Garden of Eden" (2004) and "Brain Tumors: Finding the Ark" (2006). Both are #1, 2 in their niche category.

In 2016, he coauthored two books with Dr. Lonnie Zeltzer: "Pain in Children and Young Adults (Part 1): What You Need to Know" and "Pain in Children and Young Adults (Part 2): The Journey Back to Normal."

He has given medical advice to several television series including: "The Bold Ones" (1969-1970) and "SCRUBS" (2002-2008). He is an inventor and has one approved US patent: System and Method for Storing Information on a Wireless Device. The GoMed Application (US patent 6,970,827B2 11-10-2005).

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