Surg Neurol. 2007 Sep 5; [Epub ahead of print]
Division of Neuro-Oncology, Neurology Department, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22908, USA.
BACKGROUND: Several factors, including the use of antiepileptic drugs, glucocorticoids, anticoagulants, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and hemiplegia-associated osteopenia, render patients with brain tumor susceptible to bone disease. METHODS: The authors review the pathophysiology of these factors and their impact upon bone integrity. RESULTS: Steps that can be taken to minimize or eliminate bone morbidity including measurement of bone mineral density at treatment onset, adequate calcium intake, vitamins D and K supplementation, adequate sunlight exposure, weight-bearing exercises, fall prevention, avoidance of antiepileptic drugs linked to osteopenia, and judicious use and choice of glucocorticoids and anticoagulants are suggested. CONCLUSIONS: Medical management of osteoporosis related to brain tumor treatment with bisphosphonates, teriparitide, and calcitonin is beneficial, as is kyphoplasty for symptomatic vertebral compression fractures.
PMID: 17825381 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]