Posted on: 03/16/2010
New Brain Tumor Videos Added to
We finally uploaded the video from the Advanced Brain Tumor Conference we had a few months ago in Ashland, Oregon!
Go to to view them!
Special thanks to:
Harold Winshel - for editing and uploading the video while he was recovering from brain tumor surgery!
John Williams - for hosting the event and a great job as MC!
Evan Louie - of the C.E.V.A.N. Louie Foundation - for helping to pay for it and for giving a nice presentation!
- Dr. Herb Englehard (University Illinois at Chicago) on Novocure TTF (Tumor Treating Fields)
- Dr. Greg Foltz (Swedish Medical Center): Individialized Treatments.
- Dr. John Yu (Cedars-Sinai) and Dr. Paul Zeltzer discussion on Dendritic Cell Vaccines.
- Dr. John Yu (Cedars-Sinai), Dendritic Cell Vaccines.
- Dr. Paul Zeltzer (UCLA), Dendritic Cell Vaccine, Integrative Treatments.
- Prof. Ben Williams(UC San Diego): Off-Label, Cocktail Treatments.
- Dr. Jim Olson(Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center): Pedriatic Brain Tumors, Retinoids.
- Dr. Susan Chang (UCSF), Upcoming Clinical Trials, Imaging Advances.
- Denis Strangman, International Brain Tumour Alliance.
- Cheryl Broyles, biologist and 8-year GBM survivor
- Al Musella (Musella Foundation) and Evan Louie (C.E.V.E.N. Louie Foundation) Introductions and the Grey Ribbon Crusade!
- Jonathan Treasure - "Herb, Nutrient, and Drug Interactions"
- Donald Yance, CN, MH, RH: Herbs and Nutrition.
Please - if you find these videos useful - make a $5 donation by texting the word BRAIN to 40579 (or click HERE for other ways to donate!)
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