Al's Comment:

 For those creative people out there who know how to create videos, here is a contest where you can win prizes and help a good organization!  (The Musella Foundation also needs a volunteer to help create a public service announcement..)

Posted on: 09/16/2012

The American Brain Foundation, the foundation for the American Academy of Neurology, is now accepting video entries to its 2013 Neuro Film Festival. Now in its fourth year, the Neuro Film Festival is a contest to raise awareness about why more money is needed for research to find cures for brain diseases such as  Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, autism and Parkinson’s disease. Winners could receive up to $1,000 and a trip to San Diego to see their film shown to a live audience at the Neuro Film Festival event. The deadline to enter is January 31, 2013, at


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