Al's Comment:

 This article is confusing. They first say adding Bevacizumab  (Avastin) to the standard of care has no impact on quality of life, then they say "Adding bevacizumab to radiotherapy with temozolomide (RT/TMZ) resulted in statistically longer deterioration-free survival across all health-related quality of life items." 

In my view, they are intentionally being misleading with the headline. In the fine print at the end they say "there is no impact on quality of life DURING the progression free period."

I take that to mean the until there is progression, quality of life in both groups was relatively good. Once quality of life deteriorates, there is progression. So of course there won't be much difference in the period before progression - how can you get better than good?  They downplay the part about statistically significant longer deterioration free survival.  To me that is very important and a good reason for using Avastin for newly diagnosed.  By having the same quality of life with and without Avastin, that means adding Avastin does not have a negative impact on quality of life - no more serious side effects than the placebo. And you have a longer period of feeling good. 

[Disclosure - the company that makes Avastin is a sponsor of our organization)


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