Al's Comment:

 There is a dose response curve. (Which also should convince the naysayers that the device is effective)   The better the compliance, the better the patients do. They have been saying 75% is the target compliance rate but the new data shows that 90% should be the target.  Those patients who had a compliance rate of 90% or more, had a survival rate of 29.3% at 5 years, compared to the control group (temodar) which had a 4.5% survival rate, an almost 650% increase in survival rate.
   With a compliance of 70-80%, the 5 year survival rate drops to 19.9%.   Still much better than the control group... so don't stress too much if you can't hit the 90%, but try.

Posted on: 11/21/2017

High compliance with Optune linked to greatest survival benefit for glioblastoma


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