Al's Comment:
I'm incredibly proud to be a part of xCures. The White House recently highlighted our work in a fact sheet about the Cancer Moonshot initiative, specifically mentioning our contributions to Diffuse Midline Glioma (DMG) and DIPG research. xCures operates a regulatory-grade registry that meticulously tracks data on patients with DMG, DIPG, and various other diseases. We swiftly collect and organize all of the patient's medical records. This de-identified data is then made freely available to researchers, benefiting both the research community and the patients involved.
For instance, this data can serve as a contemporaneous matched control group, thereby eliminating the need for placebos in pediatric brain tumor trials. This is particularly useful in phase 2 trials, where it can act as a control group to provide a more accurate understanding of a treatment's impact on the disease. One of the most common reasons treatments excel in phase 2 but fail in phase 3 trials is the use of poorly matched historical controls in the former, leading to an inflated perception of efficacy. Our project aims to prevent such outcomes, potentially saving lives and reducing both time and financial costs for pharmaceutical companies.
Disclaimer: I am a paid consultant for xCures and also one of the company's founders.

Posted on: 09/14/2023

xCures Platform advances progress on the White House Cancer Moonshot mission to end cancer as we know it.

Click HERE for the xCures press release and

click HERE for the whitehouse Press Release on the Moonshot!



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