Al's Comment:

 There is a problem with slow adoption of new treatments.  I was taught to never be the first one to prescribe a new treatment, or the last one to prescribe a bad treatment.    That is ingrained in most doctors, but it doesn't apply when dealing with a deadly disease.  You need to take the risk / benefit ratio into account.   For something like gamma tiles, which have shown very impressive results with glioblastomas as well as metastatic tumors, we do not have the time to wait. Patients who need brain tumor surgery need to ask their doctors if it GammaTile is appropriate for thier case.  Check the list of doctors who are trained in the use of GammaTiles at   If your doctor is not on the list and says they are not appropriate, get a quick second opinion from one who is on the list.  It is worth checking. 

Posted on: 02/23/2024

New GT Medical CEO Per Langoe on driving adoption of brain tumor therapy


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